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Digital Computer Integrated Automation Systems

Digital Computer Applications. There are such applications of minicomputers as: Supervision of plant operating data with alarm recording, data logging and process monitoring of the process.
Digital Computer Integrated Automation Systems
Automation and control systems can be conveniently integrated with minicomputer digital processors. 

Interface units apt to handle all inputs and outputs problems from the process to the computer (Fig. 1) are available, depending on the type of solution contemplated.

Fig. 1. Process of the computer

On demand digital display of plant variables. Event recording: print out of the various plant variables on occurrence of an event, with the chronological history of groups of events in their exact sequence.

Recording of the value of the various plant variables in the time intervals preceeding the occurrence of a fault condition.

Trend recording: recording of the tendency of a variable to exceed set-point value over a short and medium term.

Recording of the maximum off-normal drift of a variable from threshold value.

Sequence control: for groups of variables.

Optimization of complex automation systems with set-point value correction by the computer.

Plant efficiency and performance calculations.

Operator guide: processing of the data collected by comparison with the optimum memorized operating program in order to furnish guidance to the operator.

Information storage: collection of data relating to plant operation. Formulation of consents and locks based on complex programs including non-linear functions of plant parameters.

Data communication: local processing of the variables by the peripheral microcomputers with data transmission to the central microcomputer. Microcomputer. The microcomputer is a control unit with extremely flexible program; modern electronic technology has made this facility available for application in the solution of control problems which heretofore had to be handled by wired logic or relay logic.

Easily expandable high speed programs include complex arithmetic and logic operations.

The microcomputer itself comes as a conventional electronic unit mounted on standard racks apt to contain several plug-in type modules. The following modules are fitted in the standard rack:
  1. Central Processor Unit (CPU). CPU performs arithmetical and logical calculations at high speed with 8 bit words: it performs all the processing functions and is capable of addressing itself up to 64 memory bits.
  2. Electronic type programmable memory (PROM) or fixed memory (ROM).
  3. Memory module for electronic type data.
  4. Input module connecting the CPU with the process.
  5. Output module, to dispatch the microcomputer information toward the process.
  6. Interface module, to adapt the input signals and input/output card capacity to the multiplexing and demultiplexing units and for A/D to D/A conversion.
Computer Hardware

The heart of the system is the Central Processing Unit (CPU), which holds both program and data, an Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU), which contains processing circuitry such as an adder, shifter, and a few fast registers for holding the operands, and the instruction currently being processed (Fig. 2). The program counter would also be included in the ALU.

One part of the CPU is a set of routing circuits which provide path between storage and the ALU and input/output controllers or channels. Many storage or input devices may be wired to one channel; but only one device per channel can be transmitting information from or to main storage at any one time.

Fig. 2. General organization of a computer system

In general, large computers may be thought of as having four distinct parts: a high-speed calculating unit, a memory unit, an input device and an output device.

Digital Computer Integrated Automation Systems (DCIAS) on vessels play a crucial role in modern maritime operations, enhancing efficiency, safety, and reliability. These systems integrate various automated processes and controls into a unified platform, allowing for more effective management of shipboard operations. Here's an overview of the key components and benefits of DCIAS on vessels:

Key Components

  1. Navigation Systems

    • Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS): Provides real-time navigational information and route planning.
    • Automatic Identification System (AIS): Facilitates vessel tracking and identification.
  2. Engine and Machinery Control

    • Integrated Automation System (IAS): Manages propulsion, power generation, and other critical machinery systems.
    • Engine Monitoring and Diagnostic Systems: Continuously monitor engine performance and alert operators to potential issues.
  3. Cargo Management

    • Automated Cargo Handling Systems: Optimize the loading, unloading, and storage of cargo.
    • Tank Monitoring Systems: Ensure safe and efficient management of liquid cargo.
  4. Safety and Security

    • Fire Detection and Alarm Systems: Provide early warning of fire and smoke.
    • Security Monitoring Systems: Use cameras and sensors to enhance onboard security.
  5. Communication Systems

    • Ship-to-Shore Communication: Ensures continuous contact with shore-based operations centers.
    • Internal Communication Networks: Enable seamless communication between different departments and systems onboard.
  6. Environmental Monitoring and Control

    • Ballast Water Management Systems: Ensure compliance with environmental regulations.
    • Emissions Monitoring Systems: Track and report emissions to adhere to environmental standards.


  1. Enhanced Safety

    • Continuous monitoring and real-time alerts reduce the risk of accidents and equipment failures.
    • Automated safety systems respond quickly to emergencies, minimizing potential damage.
  2. Increased Efficiency

    • Automation optimizes operational processes, reducing manual intervention and human error.
    • Integrated systems streamline communication and decision-making, improving overall efficiency.
  3. Cost Savings

    • Predictive maintenance reduces downtime and repair costs by addressing issues before they become critical.
    • Efficient fuel and resource management lower operational expenses.
  4. Regulatory Compliance

    • Automated systems ensure compliance with international maritime regulations and standards.
    • Continuous monitoring and reporting facilitate adherence to environmental and safety regulations.
  5. Improved Data Management

    • Centralized data collection and analysis support informed decision-making and strategic planning.
    • Historical data helps identify trends and areas for improvement.

Future Trends

  1. Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    • AI-driven analytics can predict equipment failures and optimize maintenance schedules.
    • Machine learning algorithms improve decision-making and operational efficiency.
  2. Internet of Things (IoT) Integration

    • IoT sensors provide real-time data from various systems and components, enhancing situational awareness.
    • Seamless connectivity between devices enables more sophisticated automation and control.
  3. Cybersecurity Enhancements

    • As systems become more interconnected, robust cybersecurity measures are essential to protect against cyber threats.
    • Regular updates and monitoring help safeguard critical systems and data.
  4. Sustainable and Green Technologies

    • Automation systems will continue to support the adoption of cleaner and more efficient technologies.
    • Enhanced monitoring and control systems help minimize environmental impact.

In conclusion, Digital Computer Integrated Automation Systems on vessels are transforming the maritime industry by improving safety, efficiency, and sustainability. As technology continues to advance, these systems will become even more integral to the successful operation of modern vessels.